Order and shipment management

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Order and shipment management

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Order and shipment management System

Order Fulfillment System is an important part of the sales and distribution management functions in Accounting. It aims to improve the sales and distribution operations, achieve time and cost savings, and enhance customer satisfaction. The system helps to organize the logistics operations, achieve higher efficiency in supply chains, improve inventory management, and reduce errors in order delivery.


  • Order Registration: The system allows users to register orders received from customers, including the details of the products required, quantities, and any other special requirements.
  • Shipment Preparation: The system can prepare shipments based on the registered orders. This includes preparing the required products, packing them, and wrapping them properly in preparation for shipping.
  • Shipment Tracking: The system allows tracking the status and location of shipments during the shipping and delivery process. Users can know whether the shipments were delivered successfully or not, and identify any delays or problems that occur during the process.
  • Invoice Generation: Accounting's Order Fulfillment System can automatically generate invoices based on the orders and shipments executed. Users can easily issue invoices and send them to customers.
  • Inventory Update: The system automatically updates the inventory based on the executed orders and received shipments. This allows users to know the current inventory levels and deal with any inventory shortage or surplus.
  • Sales Tracking: The system can track and analyze sales data related to orders and shipments. Users can get reports and statistics on product sales, customer performance, and service providers.


  • Improved efficiency: The Order Fulfillment System can help to improve the efficiency of the sales and distribution operations by automating many tasks, such as order registration, shipment preparation, and tracking.
  • Reduced costs: The system can help to reduce costs by eliminating the need for manual data entry and processing.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: The system can help to enhance customer satisfaction by providing a faster and more accurate order delivery process.